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Book a Free Consultation Today!

Proudly & Professionally Serving South Ottawa

At Ottawa South Denture Clinic, we’ve given hundreds of customers across Ottawa brand new smiles they are proud to walk out of our doors with. From Partial dentures and Implant dentures, to digital denture services and denture repairs, our team of experts can get you back to living your normal life once again. Contact our team to book a consultation today!

100% Happiness Guaranteed

Our #1 priority here at Ottawa South Denture Clinic is your happiness! Which means we stand by our service 100%,
no matter what, no questions asked, no ifs, no ands, no buts.

A Superior Experience

We combine an outstanding patient care, the latest denture technologies and welcoming atmosphere to create the ultimate denture experience for you.

A Better Smile

We will restore your beautiful smile, improve your oral health and help you regain your confidence.


We are leaders in the field of Complete and Partial Dentures. We specialize in state-of-the-art Suction Dentures technique, Implant Dentures, Repairs and Relines.

Happiness Guarantee

We are so confident you would love our services, we provide 100% Happiness Guarantee.

Exceptional Service at Ottawa South Denture Clinic

At Ottawa South Denture Clinic, we pride ourselves in being a full service denture clinic. We are leaders in the field of Complete dentures, Partial dentures and Implant dentures in Ottawa. When you trust our team of experts for your denture care needs, you are guaranteed with outstanding patient care, the latest denture technologies, and a welcoming atmosphere to create the ultimate denture experience for you.

If you’ve lost some or all of your teeth, you don’t need to compromise on the things you love any longer. Restore your smile and get back to 100% performance when it comes to eating, drinking, and talking. Contact our team today!