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Our Denture Blog

How Does Ottawa South Denture Clinic Create Beautiful Smiles? A Look Behind the Scenes

Computer dentures Ottawa Denture Clinic

Welcome to Ottawa South Denture Clinic! We are excited to take you on a special tour today, bringing you behind the scenes to show you some aspects of our clinic that most patients don’t see, know about, or even think about during their visits. 

Whether you’re new to Dentures or have been a long-time wearer, understanding what happens behind the scenes can give you a deeper appreciation for the care and expertise that go into every smile we craft.



Our Dedicated Team at Ottawa South Denture

Dr. Yevgeniy Sorokatyy - Yevgeniy (Eugene) Sorokatyy, DD graduated from George Brown College Denturism Program with honors in 2009 and is a recipient of the Academic Merit Award and an active member of both the College of Denturist of Ontario and the Ontario Denturist Association. At the heart of Ottawa South Denture Clinic is our exceptional team. Co-owned by Yevgeniy (Eugene) Sorokatyy, our skilled Denturist, and Fawn Getty, our dedicated Office Manager, our clinic is a hub of activity focused on delivering top-notch care to our patients. Behind the scenes, our talented Denture technician works tirelessly, crafting the beautiful smiles that become the pride and joy of every patient we see.


The Journey to Becoming a Denturist

You might be surprised to learn just how much training and education is required to become a Denturist. In Ontario, the journey to becoming a Denturist typically spans 3-5 years. It starts with completing a specialized program that includes both classroom instruction and practical clinical training. To practice as a certified Denturist, one must pass the examinations administered by the College of Denturists of Ontario (CDO). But the learning doesn’t stop there—Denturists continually pursue additional courses and certifications to stay current with industry trends, technologies, and best practices. So next time you visit Ottawa South Denture, don’t hesitate to ask what new techniques or innovations your Denturist is exploring.


Understanding the Difference Between Denturist and Dentist

While both Denturists and Dentists play crucial roles in oral health care, their areas of expertise differ. Dentists have a broader scope of practice, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of oral diseases. In contrast, Denturists specialize specifically in the fabrication and fitting of Dentures and other prosthetic devices for patients who have lost teeth.

Denturists often collaborate with Dentists, especially when patients require specialized services like extractions or cavity treatments. This partnership ensures that patients receive comprehensive care, with each professional focusing on their area of expertise.


The Daily Life of a Denturist

A Denturist’s day is much more dynamic than you might expect. They’re somewhat like teachers—full of energy and ready to share their knowledge with others. Every day begins with a review of the schedule, followed by patient consultations, treatment documentation, and collaboration with other dental professionals. Denturists are hands-on, sometimes performing multiple roles within the clinic, especially in emergencies. You might even catch your Denturist answering the phone or crafting Dentures in the lab!

Overall, a Denturist’s day is dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient, from the initial consultation to the final fitting of Dentures, always with a focus on improving oral health and restoring beautiful smiles.


Embracing Digital Technology in Denture Care

Digital technology has certainly made its mark on the Denture industry. While not everything is digital yet, many advanced clinics, including ours, are adopting digital technology to improve the patient experience. Digital Impressions, for example, have transformed the process of creating Dentures. Instead of the traditional, messy impressions that can trigger a gag reflex, Digital Impressions are quick, clean, and much more comfortable for patients. Plus, they allow us to create more accurate and faster results, often at the same or even lower cost.

At Ottawa South Denture, we’re proud to be at the forefront of these technological advancements. The next time you visit, feel free to ask us to show you the technology we use to craft your new smile.


Why Digital Impressions Are So Cool

Most impressions at our clinic are digital, though there are still some special cases where traditional methods are necessary. Digital Impressions offer numerous advantages, including faster turnaround times, increased precision, and enhanced patient comfort by eliminating the gag reflex and messy materials. Additionally, digital files are easier to share and modify, enabling better collaboration with other dental professionals. Patients can also visualize the final result more easily, making the treatment planning process smoother and more transparent.


Dentures Facts and Stats

Let’s take a look at some interesting facts about Dentures that you might not know:


Fact Statistic
Number of Denture wearers in Canada Approximately 3.75 million
Average lifespan of Dentures 5-7 years
Percentage of Canadians over 65 wearing Dentures Over 25%
Cost of Full Dentures in Ottawa $1,000 – $3,000 per arch


These statistics highlight the importance of choosing the right Denturist for your needs, and at Ottawa South Denture Clinic, we are committed to offering the best in care and technology.


Bringing Smiles to Ottawa

We hope you’ve enjoyed this backstage look at Ottawa South Denture Clinic. Our goal is to provide you with not only top-quality Dentures but also a better understanding of the care and craftsmanship that goes into every smile we create.

If you ever have questions about Dentures or want to learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us at (613) 695-9229 or visit our Denture clinic. We’re here to serve you and bring smiles to the Nation’s Capital!
