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Visit Our Certified Denture Clinic in Ottawa

We believe in providing dentures to our customers in the simplest manner possible. That includes explaining your options and going over the process for measuring and fitting you for dentures. We are a certified clinician of Suction Effective Mandibular Complete Dentures (SEMCD), an emerging technique that results in quality custom-fitted dentures. As a surgery-free option, these dentures allow Ottawa patients to enjoy the benefits of dentures without extended or repeat visits to the dentist and without the costs associated with surgery. Our dentures use the tissues in your mouth to create a seal around the denture, retaining a connection 80 percent of the time. Even when suction isn’t attained, these dentures are far more effective than other methods.

two kids playing with dentures

Make Sure To Schedule Regular Checkups on Your Dentures

Your dentures are built to last, and will never change. However, as you age your mouth does as well. From tissue shrinkage to resorption of the underlying bone where your dentures were set, changes to your mouth will necessitate visiting Ottawa South Denture Clinic to reassess the fit of your dentures. During a recall and recare appointment we will:

  • Update your dental and medical history.
  • Perform an oral examination.
  • Inspect the integrity of your dentures.
  • Check the esthetics and stability of the dentures, including the bite.
  • Remind you of proper hygiene and denture care.
  • Polish and clean your dentures, if needed.
  • Discuss any options for corrections if they are needed.

Contact Us Today for Complete Dentures in Ottawa

We believe in thoroughness at Ottawa South Denture Clinic. When you visit us for recare to your dentures, we’ll carefully inspect your dentures for any cracks, chips, scratches, and worn or loose teeth in your dentures. Ottawa patients know that in addition to the diligent care we put into maintaining your dentures, and also provide partial dentures, standard, precision, and immediate dentures. If you’re suffering from a lower quality of life due to missing teeth, don’t hesitate to give our office a call.

Bringing Smiles to
the Nation’s Capital!